
Library for everyone


Library for everyone

We present innovative and reliable software for managing libraries of all kinds and sizes. Personal book collections, school libraries, city or regional libraries or even museums or archives? Verbis can easily handle all of this.


Verbis is a comprehensive library software designed for the management of libraries, museums, galleries and other public institutions. It makes organization easier for its users and serves as an efficient and clear tool for all library activities, from cataloging to borrowing records.

Do you own a lot of books and would like to keep them organized? eVerbis is a service suitable for smaller libraries, such as personal collections or school libraries. Thanks to eVerbis you are create your own online library accessible from anywhere. For free, simply and without unnecessary installations.

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Self-service Verbisbox offers an elegant solution for libraries that want to provide 100% service to their readers. Did you miss picking up your ordered books during opening hours? Thanks to the non-stop operation of Verbisbox, this problem is a thing of the past. In addition, the whole process only takes a few seconds.

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School libraries

Price from 30 EUR/month

A complete solution for school libraries

The variety of functions makes Verbis a perfect choice for school libraries as well. The system covers not only the management of book collections but also magazines or audiovisual materials. In addition to cataloging, users can also search or update information. In addition, the friendliness and ease of use will ensure that anyone can operate it.

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Public and university libraries

Price from 60 EUR/month

A complete solution for Public and University Libraries

Verbis also offers solutions for public and university libraries of all sizes. The application offers all the functions you need to run the entire library. Verbis will take care not only of books, but also of other types of documents, such as textbooks, audiovisual materials or magazines. In the case of university libraries, Verbis also provides connections to internal university systems.

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Museums, archives and professional institutions

Price from 60 EUR/month

A complete solution for museums, archives and professional institutions

Verbis is a reliable tool not only for libraries. It also allows you to register collection items, whether they are paintings, museum items, or document scans. Therefore, the system is also perfectly suited for museums, archives, galleries and other institutions.

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Personal library

for FREE

A complete solution for personal library

If you have a lot of books at home and you lose track of where each one is, eVerbis will help you organize them. All you have to do is fill in your login information and literally in a few clicks, your own online library is in the world. All you have to do is register the books. In addition, you do not have to limit yourself to only Czech books, eVerbis also allows you to search in the portal of foreign libraries. Create your own pocket library!

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complete solution

for school library

Price from 30 EUR/month

A complete solution for school libraries

The variety of functions makes Verbis a perfect choice for school libraries as well. The system covers not only the management of book collections but also magazines or audiovisual materials. In addition to cataloging, users can also search or update information. In addition, the friendliness and ease of use will ensure that anyone can operate it.

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A complete solution for Public and University Libraries

Verbis also offers solutions for public and university libraries of all sizes. The application offers all the functions you need to run the entire library. Verbis will take care not only of books, but also of other types of documents, such as textbooks, audiovisual materials or magazines. In the case of university libraries, Verbis also provides connections to internal university systems.

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A complete solution for museums, archives and professional institutions

Verbis is a reliable tool not only for libraries. It also allows you to register collection items, whether they are paintings, museum items, or document scans. Therefore, the system is also perfectly suited for museums, archives, galleries and other institutions.

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A complete solution for personal library

If you have a lot of books at home and you lose track of where each one is, eVerbis will help you organize them. All you have to do is fill in your login information and literally in a few clicks, your own online library is in the world. All you have to do is register the books. In addition, you do not have to limit yourself to only Czech books, eVerbis also allows you to search in the portal of foreign libraries. Create your own pocket library!

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